Category Archives: Finance Documents

Please click on the links below to access the Parish Council Financial Documents:

External Auditor report for year ended 31 Mar 2017

External auditor report year ended 31 Mar 17

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Detailed Expenditure over £100 for 2016/17

Payments over £100 for 2016.17

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Bank Reconciliation form 1 Apr 16 to 31 Mar 17

Bank Reconciliation YEAR ENDED 31 Mar 17 SIGNED

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Variances form 2016.17

Variances form 2016.17

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Kings Ripton Annual Return – Internal Auditor Report 2016.17

K Ripton AR 2016.17 Internal auditor report

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Kings Ripton Annual Return Section 2

K Ripton AR Section 2 for 2016.17 signed

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Kings Ripton Annual Return Section 1

K Ripton AR Section 1 signed

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Notice of Public inspection of PC Accounts

Notice of Public Inspection of accounts 2016.17

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Notice of Conclusion of Audit year ended 31 Mar 2016


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External Auditor’s report year ended 31 Mar 2016


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