Category Archives: Agendas

Parish Council meetings are held six times a year and agenda’s are posted on the notice board in the church yard three clear days before the meeting (excluding the day of posting and the day of the meeting.)

Emergency Arrangements

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Kings Ripton PC Meeting Tue 3 March 2020 at 7pm at the VH

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200107 Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting Agenda

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Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting Tue 19 Nov 19 at 7pm at the Village Hall

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190917 Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting

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Kings Ripton PC Meeting Tue 16 Jul 19 at 7pm

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190520 Annual Parish Council Meeting Agenda

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Annual Parish Meeting/ Assembly 20 May 2019 at 8pm

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190121 Kings Ripton PC Meeting Agenda 7pm at the VH

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181127 Agenda for Kings Ripton PC Meeting at 7pm at VH

181127 Kings Ripton PC Meeting Agenda 7pm

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