Category Archives: Agendas

Parish Council meetings are held six times a year and agenda’s are posted on the notice board in the church yard three clear days before the meeting (excluding the day of posting and the day of the meeting.)

September Agenda 2021

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July Agenda 2021

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Annual parish meeting and annual meeting of the council

Kings Ripton PC will be holding their Annual parish meeting followed by the annual meeting of the Council on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7pm via zoom. Necessary codes are dispalyed on the agendas below.

Please contact the Clerk for further information – all are welcome to join!

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KRPC 15th March 2021 Meeting Agenda

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KRPC January 2021 Agenda with updated Zoom details

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KRPC January 2021 Meeting Agenda

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KRPC Meeting Agenda 17th November 2020

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KRPC Agenda 08/09/2020

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KRPC July 2020 Meeting Agenda

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Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting Agenda Tue 19th May 2020

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