Category Archives: Crime Reports

Weekly Crime Updates are produced by our Neighbourhood Police Team and the reports from the PCSO at Ramsey will be included here when relevant or important.

If you or anyone you know has any information regarding any of the listed crimes, then we would ask that you call police on ‘101’ quoting the ‘CF’ number.

Please be sure that your property is secure

It has come to the attention of the Parish Council that several outbuildings have been broken into in the past few days in Kings Ripton. Please be sure that your property is secure and that you remain vigilant.

~ Kings Ripton parish Council

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Action Fraud – Freecycle Alert

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)

Fraudsters are targeting online advertising platforms where items are acquired for free. The fraudsters will list items on the website and advise any purchasers that they have recently moved from the area they were originally living in and can arrange a courier to dispatch the items for a fee.

The payment requested for this service is usually via Money Transfer such as MoneyGram or Western Union, or an e-money voucher. The items they were promised are not received and any attempts to contact the individual to gain a refund are unsuccessful.

Protect Yourself:

  • Stay within the auction guidelines stipulated on the website.
  • Ask to view the item in person.
  • Be cautions of making advance payments to a stranger via Money Transfer or e-money products.
  • If the item advertised seems too good to be true, it probably is.

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone 0300 123 2040.


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Bicycle Thefts – Crime Update

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Cambridgeshire Constabulary

I sent a message on 9th June advising that we had seen an increase in cycle theft, where 50% had been left insecure with 2 thirds of those in gardens. We have seen 32 offences every month since 1st April.

Since 1st July there has been what appears to be a slight decrease with 12 offences being reported to date, unfortunately 7 of those were insecure and two others secured only by a lock through the frame and a wheel.

Please see the advice below again to help reduce these crimes and your chance of becoming a victim: –

  • Always lock your cycle wherever you leave it – to designated cycle racks or other immovable objects that the cycle cannot be lifted over. (Do not just lock the frame to the wheel)
  • Invest in the best lock(s) you can afford – for maximum protection use two locks of different types (a D-lock of good quality and a robust chain and padlock). Use each lock to catch wheels, frame and fixed object.
  • Leave it in a well-lit public area, if possible where lots of people frequent or it is covered by CCTV
  • At home – do not leave cycles unlocked in gardens or at the side of houses, even for a few seconds – that is all it takes to remove an insecure cycle.
  • Lock cycles in sheds and garages, where possible to other items – consider the purchase of either ground or wall anchors. Consider shed alarms.
  • Keep them out of sight – consider net curtains on shed windows.
  • Consider marking the cycle with a permanent mark  and register with
To help us catch the offenders committing these crimes please report any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood either by Email to, call our non-emergency number 101 or to remain anonymous call crime-stoppers on 0800-555111.If you witness an emergency or ongoing incident call 999

Dave Griffin
Crime Reduction Officer

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Courier Fraud

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)
Courier fraudsters have been identifying themselves to victims on the telephone as “Detective Constable Martin Benton of New Scotland Yard Fraud Department”. The fraudsters will invent a story regarding fraudulent activity on your card and request your bank/card details.

No such person exists at the Metropolitan Police. If you receive a call from someone purporting to be this individual, terminate the call immediately.   

Protect yourself against courier fraud:

  • Your bank will never send a courier to your home
  • Your bank and the police will never collect your bank card
  • Your bank and the police will never ask for your PIN
  • If you receive one of these calls end it immediately

Victim Advice:

  • If you have handed over any details to the fraudster, call your bank and cancel your cards immediately.
  • If you want to call your bank, then do it from another telephone.

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone 0300 123 2040.

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Crime Report – Fraudulent ‘Apple Pay’ Alert

This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)

Fraudsters are targeting classified advertisement websites like AutoTrader to advertise vehicles for sale. Buyers are then contacting these ‘sellers’ to find out more about the vehicles and are being told to pay for them via ‘Apple Pay’. In this case the fraudsters are not using the genuine Apple Pay service and potential victims pay money directly to bank accounts in control of the fraudsters. Individuals receive emails claiming to be from Apple Pay with a web link to a cloned website with false terms and conditions of the ‘escrow’ service. Any money remitted to the fraudsters is then unrecoverable and the vehicles are not delivered.

Protect yourself:

  • Meet the seller ‘face to face’ and view the vehicle before parting with any money.
  • Be cautious of web links in an email. They may not direct you to the genuine website.
  • Report scam advertisements to the classified advertisement websites.
  • If the vehicle is below market value, consider whether this is an opportunity too good to be true!


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Weekly Crime Report Update 18th June 2015

 Please read below for the crime report covering our area for the week ending 18th June 2015.


Sometime between 6:45am on the 10th June and 6:30pm on the 11th June, unknown offender/s have gained entry into a vehicle and stolen a black camera bag containing a Canon camera and accessories from the boot of the vehicle.


Sometime between 2pm on the 9th June and 01:30am on the 14th June, a tractor was stolen from Monks Wood Road, and later found at Upwood Road, Great Raveley.


Sometime between 2pm on the 9th June and 2:30am on the 11th June, a Calvin Klein suitcase has been stolen from outside the old Stage and Hen pub, Old Hurst after it was delivered by Fedex.

There have been 3 crimes reported for the Upwood and The Raveleys ward. But please also be aware of the crimes reported in other wards near by:


Sometime between 11:30am and 1:20pm on the 12th June, unknown offender/s have set light to a toilet roll in the males toilet, causing smoke damage to the dispenser.


Sometime between 10:30am and 4:30pm on the 15th June, unknown offender/s have approached an isolated farm complex and gained access to a number of barns by cutting the locks. A loose battery has been stolen from one of the barns.


Sometime between 8pm on the 12th June and 7am on the 13th June, unknown offender/s have pushed/kicked over a parked moped onto the ground, causing damage to the side of the moped.


Sometime between 8pm on the 14th June and 1pm on the 16th June, offender/s have cut and caused damage to the boundary rope and ripped several holes in the nets for the batting cages.


Sometime between 9:30pm on the 12th June and 8:50am on the 13th June, unknown offender/s have have created a dent in the rear passenger door of a vehicle by punching it.


At around 1am on the 13th June, an unknown offender has kicked at the door of a residential house causing damage to the bottom panel of glass.


Sometime between 8pm on the 18th June and 4pm on the 16th June, unknown offender/s have forced entry into a locked shed on a private fishery and have stolen various items. Offender/s have also tried to gain entry into a shipping container.


Sometime between 6pm on the 16th June and 2pm on the 17th June, unknown offenser/s have used wire cutters/bolt croppers to cut through 2 strands of barbed wire fencing which is on top of stock fencing.

If you or anyone you know has any information regarding any of the above crimes, then we would ask that you call police on ‘101’ quoting the ‘CF’ number above it.

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Crime Report from Cambridgeshire Constabulary – 3rd June

The crime report dating from the 3rd June is a reminder to be security conscious – there was one crime reported in the Broughton area:

Sometime between the 1st and 5th June, the external and internal doors of a barn have been broken, in order to gain access. Various garden equipment has been stolen from inside.

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Crime Update from Cambridgeshire Constabulary

The following information was distributed by the Huntingdonshire PCSO. Please take care to ensure your outbuildings are secure.

Weekly Crime Update 3rd June 2015

Sometime between the 31st May and 2nd June, a rear garden shed has been broken into and had various power tools stolen.

Offenders have entered the above location and smashed the security lights, forced the locks and entered 2 barns. Unsure if anything is missing at this time.

Sometime between 8pm on the 31st May and 9am on the 2nd June, offenders have entered the above location and smashed the security light and then forced the padlock and staple on a barn. Entry was gained and a lawn mower was stolen.

Sometime between 8pm on the 1st June and 5am on the 2nd June, a rear garden shed was broken into and had a Chainsaw stolen.

Sometime between 10:30pm on the 1st June and 7:30am on the 2nd June, offenders have gained access to the farm by walking through various paddocks. The security light has been moved to face downwards, and access has been gained to an outbuilding (that was locked from inside) and have had various tools stolen.

Sometime between 9:45pm on the 1st June and 5am on the 2nd June, a rear garden garage has been broken into and had several items stolen.

As you can see from the above, Broughton has been hit with shed and garage burglaries. Police are doing what they can to investigate these crimes and conduct patrols. However if you have any information regarding these crimes then we would ask you to contact police on ‘101’.

Many thanks
Ramsey Problem Solving Team

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