Parish Council Meeting held on 12th Febuary 2103

  Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting  M8

 An Extraordinary  Meeting  of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL, on Tuesday 12th February 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre; Ros Townsend & Joan Evans.

In attendance:  One member of the public.

69.       APOLOGIES
Apologies were received from Councillor Barter-Rayner; County Councillor V Lucas DL &  District Councillor R Howe.

 None were declared.

71.       PUBLIC FORUM
There was none.

Members had before them estimates of capital expenditure for the financial year 2013/14, that also showed a series of increases on the precept from 5% to 20% and how this would affect the band D tax payer, based on the band D rate of 2012/13, multiplied by the revised Council tax base figure, set by Huntingdonshire District Council’s figure of 81 compared to the 2012/12 figure of 83.

Members were advised that to compensate for the reduction in the tax base, the District Council had allocated a grant of £104 to the Council which could be used as income to reduce the requested precept. Alternately the grant could be used as an additional income to the requested precept.

Members discussed the Council’s reserves and questioned if the precept   needed to be   increased as it was felt that there were sufficient reserves to cover any future   additional services. Although a higher precept would allow for greater protection against   future capping it was also agreed that the Council should be mindful of the current economic climate.

It was proposed to keep the precept to £4,000 and use the grant of £104 as           additional income, which would increase the council tax for band D tax payers from £48.02 to £49.38, a rise of 2.5%. It was then seconded and

RESOLVED that the Council levy a precept of £4,000 on the District Council for the  financial year 2013/14, requesting an additional grant payment of £104.

73.       RIPTON NEWS
 Members were asked to consider a request from the editor of the Ripton News for            financial assistance to the Ripton News for the remainder of the financial year         2012/13.

After a short discussion it was

RESOLVED to approve a payment of £125.00

5th March, The Village Hall, Kings Ripton, 7.00pm.


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