Minutes of a meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council held on Tuesday 7th February 2012 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
Present: Mr M Toates (Chairman), Mr B Petre (Vice Chairman) Mr M Joyce, Mrs D Jenkins (Clerk), District Councillor R Howe and two members of the public.
Apologies: Mrs R Townsend and County Councillor V Lucas.
Declarations of interests: None
Health & Safety Issues: Mrs D Jenkins reported that it is hoped to replace both handrails to the steps at the Village Hall as soon as the weather allows.
Open Forum: None
Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 13th December 2011.
The minutes of the meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising:
- After discussion it was decided to hold a further open meeting reference the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations on Tuesday 6th March. The Clerk will circulate the village with fliers advising the date which the Parish Council are making a donation. There is to be a further public meeting on April 17th.
- Secret Garden Party, at this juncture the Chairman closed the meeting to allow the public to speak. Mrs Jenkins read out a letter from the Licensing Authority outlining the conditions set for the Secret Garden Party 2012.
Permission has been given for 32,00 attendees. R Collett said he would like to see the Parish Council interactive with the Police over the SGP.
Councillor R Howe informed the meeting that he and the Chairman Mike Toates have been invited to a meeting at St Ives by the Police Authority. Members from Wennington and Abbots Ripton are to attend as well.
Councillor R Howe stressed that Backswoodsman Ltd must now comply with the conditions set and that the Environmental Department of HDC must play a bigger role over the monitoring of the music. Councillor Howe is to speak with R Hollingsworth (Environmental Officer) on the Parish Council’s behalf. Mrs D Benham stated that she was pleased the Parish Council had been more active over the SGP this time but as promises made by Backwoodsman had been broken year on year then everyone would have to wait and see what happens at this year’s event. Councillor R Howe is to ask R Hollingsworth to draw up a tighter sound plan and it was suggested that if the music is found to be too loud this year then maybe next year a reduction in the number of decibels be asked for. The meeting was then closed again. - Mrs D Jenkins reported that she had applied for a grant of a 20 mph limit through the village under the Small Improvement to Highways Scheme.
Mrs Jenkins reported that she had sourced the makers of the Wistow Village sign and was asked to contact them for further details with the possibility of a sign being purchased for Kings Ripton.
- The Clerk gave a financial report update to the Council and asked that she be allowed to transfer £1,500 from the 30 day notice account into the Treasury Account as there would be large invoices to pay in March . The Council agreed and the transfer request was signed by the Chairman and the Vice Chairman.
- There were two cheques for payment C/N 398, donation towards the running costs of the Ripton News and C/N 399 £30, affiliation fees for Cambridgeshire Acre. Mr M Joyce proposed and Mr B Petre seconded that these both be paid.
- A quote for hedging for the allotment had been sourced by Mrs R Townsend and is likely to be in the region of £300. It was decided that this could be paid but the planting of the hedge should not go ahead until this autumn.
Planning. Nothing
Papers received reference HCV feedback, Legal Advice and the A14 briefing note are to be kept on file.
The booklet ‘Planning explained’ is to be circulated between the Councillors and any queries brought to the March meeting.
A letter from a parishioner requesting that the Parish Council be aware and make the parishioners aware, that the building of bonfires near to thatched properties should be carefully watched, for insurance purposes, had been dealt with.
Any other business:
The Clerk advised the Parish Council that along with her resignation, two of the Councillors had also resigned.
Mrs K Martin had resigned with immediate effect and Mr M Joyce wishes to resign as from the Annual Meeting in May 2012.
Mrs Jenkins had placed an advertisement for the Clerk’s Vacancy with CPAL and had also mentioned the vacancy in the Parish Council Report for the Ripton’s Area News. She had also contacted other Clerks with reference to the vacancy.
Date of next meeting:
20th March 2012