Notes of the Parish Plan meeting 08 Oct 2013

Notes of meeting to establish Parish Plan Committee held on Tuesday 8th October 2013.


Erica Bishop

Ros Carey-Townsend (PC member)

Lesley Castleton

Graham Flowers

Bronwyn Rayner

Rebecca Rayner


1.       The Terms of Reference circulated prior to the meeting were accepted as a way of working. and membership of the committee and its working relationship with the Parish Council (PC) discussed. It was agreed that regular attendance at PC meetings by at least some members of the committee was important to ensure good communication between the Committee and the PC.

2.       It was agreed that the first steps were to:

a.       Draw up a questionnaire asking Villagers for their  views on issues they wish to include in the Plan, providing some suggestions based on other Parish plans, and arising from this meeting;

b.      to share responsibilities for issues amongst the committee membership;

c.       to communicate effectively with the Village, the committee would knock on doors to encourage participation, and would also seek to publicise the activities of the committee at all possible opportunities, including the village web site, posters at Village social/church (with the agreement of the PCC) events, and articles in the Riptons Area News (RAN). 

3.       It was also agreed that liaison with other neighbouring parishes would be beneficial.  EB to take this forward and will contact Robin Howe (District Councillor) to see how this might be best achieved.

4.       The following issues have been raised (at the meeting and subsequently) as of relevance and importance to include in the Plan (in no particular order of priority):

a.       Road and Traffic management –

                  i.      Speeding;

                  ii.      Volume/flow;

                  iii.      Reporting of infringements (over-weight vehicles);

                   iv.      Proposals for more effective Signage;

b.      Planning permissions for development – future size and shape of the village;

c.       Lighting (also linked to possible future traffic calming measures)

d.      Public footpath maintenance and pedestrian safety within the Village and footpath maintenance outside the village boundaries;

e.      Plans for any future sustainable energy installations (wind turbines/solar panels);

f.        Crime and Policing –

                  i.      Check crime reporting from the Secret Garden Party (SGP);

                  ii.      Improve liaison with PCSO;

g.       Village appearance

                  i.      Litter and general village maintenance;

                  ii.      Maintenance of allotments area, roadside bank alongside the Ramsey Road/Quaker Close borders and other areas currently neglected;

                  iii.      Village sign.

h.      Establish liaison with local businesses and external organisations to improve communications and working relationships where relevant:

                 i.      District Council, (future plans, funding opportunities etc.)

                 ii.      Transport services, (improve bus service)

                 iii.      Anglian Water (in particular re upkeep and maintenance of School Lane/Elm Close roadways),

                 iv.      SGP and the de Ramsey estate,

                 v.      local farmers,

                 vi.      neighbouring Councils (to work on and present a co-ordinated approach).

i.         Neighbourhood watch – is there any interest in re-establishing this?

j.        Village amenities:

                  i.      Village Hall;

                  ii.      Playground.

k.       Improving services –

                  i.      Broadband;

                  ii.      Mobile phone reception;

                  iii.      Electricity.

l.         A Village Directory (primarily to assist with communication within the village, but could be extended to enable advertising for local businesses). 

 5.       The next meeting of the Committee will be held on Tuesday 12 November at 7.30pm at Chapel Cottage. 



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