Important information & telephone numbers for SGP

Dear Residents,

Road Closure

This letter is to inform you of the temporary road closure to be put in place along the Kings Ripton Road, between the A141 and the B1090 past Jubilee Park, which will be effective from 09:30hrs until 22:30hrs on the morning of the 25th July 2013. The road will remain open for local residents and emergency vehicles, it will only be closed to Secret Garden Party festival traffic.

This has been put into effect as The Secret Garden Party, (25th July 2013 to the 28th July), along with Cambridgeshire Constabulary, and Highways Department, feel that a temporary closure will reduce the congestion on the A141 specifically around the perimeter of Huntingdon to therefore ease the flow of traffic.

Each resident in the local area will receive a vehicle pass in the coming weeks that will need to be displayed inside the top right of their windscreen. The traffic marshalls positioned either end of the Kings Ripton Road will then allow access to vehicles with this pass.

Security and Enquiries

If you have any queries, questions, or comments about the event, whilst it is running, please call this number which will be manned 24hrs a day: 0207 195 2155.

Manned security vehicles will be permanently patrolling Abbots Ripton and Kings Ripton throughout the event, 24 hours a day, to help you with any concerns you may have.  Should you wish to make contact with these external security personnel, that will be permanently based in both Abbots Ripton and Kings Ripton, you may also use this number and we will be able to relay a message via our radio
system. This is a London number but it is on an internet voip phone system (so will go directly to our on site office). This number will only be active during the show days.  If you have any queries prior to the event please contact

To contact Huntingdon District Council regarding any issues please use this number 01480 388388.

Your continued support, backing and cooperation over the past eleven years has been invaluable to us, we wouldn’t be able to do it without you, the local residents, who make it all possible so please accept our warmest, biggest thanks. Shortly we’ll be sending out the details of the special locals party, a thank you from us to you!  : )

So, with all those formalities out of the way, we look forward to welcoming you again, or for your first time to the Garden for a 4 day party like no other…

See you in the Garden!

Katy Unsworth and the SGP team.


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