Annual Parish Meeting


Dear Residents

You are cordially invited to attend KINGS RIPTON ANNUAL Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Thursday 23rd May 2013, at KINGS RIPTON Village Hall, SCHOOL LANE,KINGS RIPTON, PE28 2NL

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Kings Ripton to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to their local community. It would be helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised but it is not essential. Matters can be raised at the meeting without prior notice. For any queries, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council (Claire Tunnicliffe: or 07955 707134)

Councillor Mick Toates
Chairman of Kings Ripton Parish Council


  1. Welcome by Councillor Mick Toates
  1. Apologies
  2. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
  2. To receive and approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2012. Copies of the previous Annual Parish Meeting are available on the Parish website after this meeting or by hard copy upon application to the Parish Clerk.

4. Report from the Chairman of Kings Ripton Parish Council

5.    To invite Village Representatives to address the Meeting

6.    Financial report from the Clerk to the Council

7.    To invite the public to raise any matters of interest.

8.    Reports from County and District Councillors followed by QA. 

 9. Chairman’s Closing Remarks

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