Kings Ripton Meeting of Electorate – Annual Parish Meeting

Press Release Subject: Kings Ripton Annual Parish Meeting
Date: Tuesday 17th May 2022
Residents of Kings Ripton are invited to attend the annual parish meeting which will be held at 7.00pm, at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL.
Although the parish meeting is convened, chaired and minuted by the parish council, it is not a parish council meeting but a meeting of registered electors (including councillors who are registered electors).
The purpose is to enable registered electors to discuss parish affairs and to pass resolutions thereon. This meeting is also an opportunity for the parish council (and higher tiers of local government) and community group leaders to share news of their activities over the last year.
Anyone may attend but only registered electors in the parish of Kings Ripton may speak and vote.
A registered elector may ask questions of the council. These will usually be answered by the chairman, the parish clerk or a designated councillor. An elector may also make suggestions and comment on parish issues and propose resolutions.
Members of the press are welcome to attend.

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