Spring Plant Sale (Sat 28 April)

A team of volunteers has been taking cuttings, splitting plants and sowing seeds, so more people can enjoy flowers and veg in their gardens this summer – all to raise funds for Kings Ripton Village Hall.

On Saturday 28 April from 10 to 12, plants will be on sale in the Village Hall on School Lane. The village is just a couple of miles north of Huntingdon.

Michael Krause, a village hall volunteer, said: ‘This a great opportunity to pick up a few plants at bargain prices. They’ve all been carefully grown especially for the sale. Whether you want primroses for Spring colour, annuals for the summer, perennials to last for years or a sprig of parsley on a meal, the plant sale has something to offer. Prices start at just 50p.’

Last year, plant hunters came from all over Huntingdonshire to pick up bargains and help the Village Hall, which is a registered charity.

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