Monthly Archives: June 2017

Detailed Expenditure over £100 for 2016/17

Payments over £100 for 2016.17

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Bank Reconciliation form 1 Apr 16 to 31 Mar 17

Bank Reconciliation YEAR ENDED 31 Mar 17 SIGNED

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Kings Ripton Parish Council meeting Monday 19 June

Kings Ripton Parish Council Agenda

Meeting 19 June 19.00

Kings Ripton Village Hall

1. Apologies

2. Declarations of interest

Close of meeting for any comments from the public on items on the agenda

3. Re-open meeting

4. Planning decision – proposed crematorium


All village residents are welcome to attend. 

Please note – The Parish Council would appreciate any views on Agenda Item 4 by email in advance of the meeting to , as this will give councillors more time to consider them.  However, points made between Agenda Items 3 and 4, will of course be considered.  Many comments have already been received on Agenda Item 4.  These have been noted and do not need to be sent again. 

Any parish residents with strong views on planning applications are advised to make them to Huntingdonshire District Council planners, which can be done here


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Draft Annual Parish Council Meeting Minutes 16 May 17 with reports

Draft Annual Parish Council Meeting 16 May 17 with reports

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Draft Annual Parish Meeting Minutes 16 May 17 with reports

Draft Annual Parish Meeting 16 May 17 with reports

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