Grand Spring Plant Sale

As last year’s plant sale was so popular, it is back again – for one day only.

Saturday 29 April – 10 – 12.30

A group of gardening enthusiasts have been growing seed, splitting plants and taking cuttings.

The sale will be held from 10 to 12 on Saturday 29 April at Kings Ripton Village Hall, on School lane, just opposite the church.  All proceeds from the sale will go the village hall, which is a registered charity.

Tomatoes and peppers, tobacco plants and pastel clary, colourful phlox, delicate lily of the valley and bright yellow rudbeckia.  Village residents have been generous enough to donate all these and more.  Everyone is welcome to come along and find something to add to their garden – and maybe bring along any spare plants they have.  It doesn’t matter if you don’t know what a hemerocallis is.  There’ll be people around to help with colour, sizes and where to grow them.  Come along, help the village hall and grab a bargain.

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