Monthly Archives: November 2015

Agenda for Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting 15th November 2015

Please click on the link below to access the agenda for the Kings Ripton Parish Council meeting on 15th November 2015.


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Minutes of Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting held on 15 September 2015

Please click on the link below to access the minutes.

Approved Minutes 15 Sep 15 Kings Ripton PC

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Kings Ripton Village Hall grant announcement

The village of Kings Ripton is about to get a newly refurbished kitchen thanks to a grant of £4,710.

Money awarded from WREN’s FCC Community Action Fund will

be used to replace the old kitchen in Kings Ripton Village Hall.

Michael Krause, a village hall trustee, said, ‘The hall is the only public amenity in this small village.  The kitchen is not just old but its layout makes it difficult for the community to run events with more than just a few people. 

‘We’re delighted to have funding from WREN.  Hall users have been asking us to improve the kitchen.  Over the last few months some enthusiastic volunteers have planned the new one and applied to WREN for funding.  We hope it will be open early in the New Year.  It will make a real difference to the village.’

WREN is a not-for-profit business which awards grants for community, biodiversity and heritage projects from funds donated by FCC Environment though the Landfill Communities Fund.

Peter Cox, managing director of WREN, said: “WREN makes a difference to people’s lives by awarding grants to community, environmental and heritage projects across the UK. We’re delighted to support Kings Ripton Village Hall achieve their new kitchen.”

Kings Ripton Village Hall

Kings Ripton Village Hall is a community facility in School Lane, Kings Ripton.  It is run by an independent charity and supported by the Parish Council.

For more information about Kings Ripton Village Hall, please contact Michael Krause or 01487 773120


WREN is a not for profit business that awards grants to community, environmental and heritage projects across the UK from funds donated by FCC Environment as part of a voluntary environmental tax credit scheme called the Landfill Communities Fund. Since 1998, WREN has granted over £200m to more than 7,000 projects which benefit people living within 10 miles of a FCC Environment landfill site.

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Stay well this winter

In the past year as many of one in four residents in Cambridgeshire visited A&E when they could have used an alternative service or looked after themselves at home.

Each visit to A&E costs the local NHS £87, and that’s before any treatment is given. When you look at the figures, this costs the local NHS over £4million a year. In turn this is the equivalent cost of 677 hip replacements, or 287 liver transplants or 115 more dementia nurses.

Using A&E when you don’t need to can also have a knock-on effect to the rest of the hospital, as busy A&E departments resulted in 500 cancelled operations and procedures because a bed was no longer available, and longer waiting and referral times.

 But you can help

·         Stay healthy – get a flu vaccination if you are eligible

·         Look after others – check on elderly friends, relatives and neighbours especially in spells of cold weather, help them to keep warm and have the medication they might need

·         Be prepared – get your prescriptions in early before the holidays and see your pharmacist or GP for any issues you might be putting off

·         Choose the right service – your local pharmacy can provide confidential, expert advice and treatment for a range of common illnesses and complaints, without having to wait for a GP appointment.

For help with finding local NHS services visit

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