Monthly Archives: September 2015

Parish Council Annual Financial Return 2015

Please click on the link below to read the Annual Return for the financial year ending 31st March which includes the Accounting Statement, the External Auditor’s Report, and the Internal Audit Report.

Annual Return for the Financial year ended 31 Mar 15 back from External auditor

Kings Ripton Notice of Conclusions of the Audit and right to inspect AR for the website

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The Riptons WI Fashion Show 25th September 2015

The Riptons WI Fashion Show

Friday 25th September 2015

7 for 7:30 p.m.

Abbots Ripton Village Hall

Clothes for Ladies and Children by M&C0 of St Ives

Tickets £7.50 includes Pimms/fruit punch & savouries/cakes/desserts

Enquiries and tickets contact: Sheila Ritchie Tel. 01487 773359

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Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting held on 21st July 2015 – Minutes

The minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 21st July 2015 are available by clicking on the link below.

Approved 21 July 15 Meeting Minutes

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Kings Ripton Parish Council Agenda 15th September 2015

Please find attached the Agenda for the Kings Ripton Parish Council to be held on 15th September 2015 at 7.30 p.m. at the Village Hall.


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