Monthly Archives: July 2015

Bicycle Thefts – Crime Update

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Cambridgeshire Constabulary

I sent a message on 9th June advising that we had seen an increase in cycle theft, where 50% had been left insecure with 2 thirds of those in gardens. We have seen 32 offences every month since 1st April.

Since 1st July there has been what appears to be a slight decrease with 12 offences being reported to date, unfortunately 7 of those were insecure and two others secured only by a lock through the frame and a wheel.

Please see the advice below again to help reduce these crimes and your chance of becoming a victim: –

  • Always lock your cycle wherever you leave it – to designated cycle racks or other immovable objects that the cycle cannot be lifted over. (Do not just lock the frame to the wheel)
  • Invest in the best lock(s) you can afford – for maximum protection use two locks of different types (a D-lock of good quality and a robust chain and padlock). Use each lock to catch wheels, frame and fixed object.
  • Leave it in a well-lit public area, if possible where lots of people frequent or it is covered by CCTV
  • At home – do not leave cycles unlocked in gardens or at the side of houses, even for a few seconds – that is all it takes to remove an insecure cycle.
  • Lock cycles in sheds and garages, where possible to other items – consider the purchase of either ground or wall anchors. Consider shed alarms.
  • Keep them out of sight – consider net curtains on shed windows.
  • Consider marking the cycle with a permanent mark  and register with
To help us catch the offenders committing these crimes please report any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood either by Email to, call our non-emergency number 101 or to remain anonymous call crime-stoppers on 0800-555111.If you witness an emergency or ongoing incident call 999

Dave Griffin
Crime Reduction Officer

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Bee Scene

Bee Scene! Popular family-friendly survey of wild flowers re-launches this summer holiday thanks to Nature’s Path.

Bee Scene June 2015 Press Release

Full details and bee scene resources are available online at


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Plantlife Press Release: Road Verges

Road verges are one of the most important, best loved and frequently viewed habitats in the country…So why are they still being destroyed?

Please see the attached Press Release from Plantlife.

Road Verges Final PR

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Courier Fraud

This is a message sent via eCops. This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)
Courier fraudsters have been identifying themselves to victims on the telephone as “Detective Constable Martin Benton of New Scotland Yard Fraud Department”. The fraudsters will invent a story regarding fraudulent activity on your card and request your bank/card details.

No such person exists at the Metropolitan Police. If you receive a call from someone purporting to be this individual, terminate the call immediately.   

Protect yourself against courier fraud:

  • Your bank will never send a courier to your home
  • Your bank and the police will never collect your bank card
  • Your bank and the police will never ask for your PIN
  • If you receive one of these calls end it immediately

Victim Advice:

  • If you have handed over any details to the fraudster, call your bank and cancel your cards immediately.
  • If you want to call your bank, then do it from another telephone.

If you believe that you have been a victim of fraud you can report it online or by telephone 0300 123 2040.

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Kings Ripton Parish Council Agenda 21st July 2015

Please find attached the Agenda for the Kings Ripton Parish Council to be held on 21st July 2015 at 6.30 p.m. at the Village Hall.


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PMRT’s Drop-In Event AND Pidley Village Fun Day – Saturday 11th July

Well its that time of year, the sun is shining and Pidley Mountain Rescue Team have another event where you can meet Pidley Ted, find out exactly what we do, and how we might be able to help you.
But its not just one event, oh no!  Pidley is having its Village Family Fun Day too, so there will be lots of fun things to do outside as well what could be better TWO events in one! 
Let’s hope the sun continues to shine to make Saturday 11th July a fabulous day to be outside because there will be a Bouncy Castle, coconut shy, Vintage Cars to admire, Family Races and of course a BBQ  – to name just a few of the fun things lined up – as well as the opportunity to have a cuddle with Pidley Ted.
We hope to see you there next Saturday July 11th.
Publicity Officer

See for more details

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Crime Report – Fraudulent ‘Apple Pay’ Alert

This information has been sent on behalf of Action Fraud (National Fraud Intelligence Bureau)

Fraudsters are targeting classified advertisement websites like AutoTrader to advertise vehicles for sale. Buyers are then contacting these ‘sellers’ to find out more about the vehicles and are being told to pay for them via ‘Apple Pay’. In this case the fraudsters are not using the genuine Apple Pay service and potential victims pay money directly to bank accounts in control of the fraudsters. Individuals receive emails claiming to be from Apple Pay with a web link to a cloned website with false terms and conditions of the ‘escrow’ service. Any money remitted to the fraudsters is then unrecoverable and the vehicles are not delivered.

Protect yourself:

  • Meet the seller ‘face to face’ and view the vehicle before parting with any money.
  • Be cautious of web links in an email. They may not direct you to the genuine website.
  • Report scam advertisements to the classified advertisement websites.
  • If the vehicle is below market value, consider whether this is an opportunity too good to be true!


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Finance Documents year ending 31st March 2015

Please click on the links below to access the Finance Documents for Kings Ripton Parish Council for the year ending 31st March 2015

AR Kings Ripton 31 Mar 2015 SIGNED BY Internal auditor, Chair and Clerk

Explanation of variances

Bank Reconciliation form 31st March 2015

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The Bank is Back Event June 2015 – RAF Wyton Area Band

This gallery contains 10 photos.

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