The County Council are working closely with the event organisers to ensure that clear information is being provided to Parishes, residents and road users. We have been working closely with local member, Cllr McGuire, to ensure that all parts of the local community have the opportunity to understand how the event is likely to impact them over the course of the weekend, so that they may plan accordingly. The aim of these documents is to provide answers to some common questions, give clarity around the road closures and assist people with their arrangements for the day.
Alongside these documents, we are also making use of social media (Cambridgeshire Highways Twitter feed), messages on the variable message signs, information bulletins on the radio in conjunction with the BBC and road closure signs on the route.
Please feel free to share the attached information with your local communities, and should you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact the County Council on 01223 507176 and
Saturday 6th June – Road Closures