The Kings Ripton Annual Parish meeting was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL on Tuesday 13 May 14 following the Annual Parish Council meeting.

Present: Councillors R Townsend, B Petre, P Rayner, R Rayner, M Podbury, District Councillor R Howe and 3 members of the public.

1.      Welcome by Councillor Ros Carey-Townsend

The chairman welcomed all present, thanked them for attending and thanked those who had provided reports.

 2.      Apologies

Apologies were received from County Councillor M Tew who had attended the Parish Council meeting but had to leave.

 3.      Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

There was no Annual Parish Meeting last year.

 4.      Chairman’s Report

The Chairman gave her report which is attached.   Chairman’s report

 5.      Village Hall Report

Mr Krause gave his report which is attached. He also reported that the Trustees had changed and co-option had taken place. The Hall was making a modest surplus and a project to repair and update the handrails and steps was in progress. There has been a lot of new usage and the hall was often full. About 40-50 events had taken place and more events, eg wine tasting and 40’s evening are planned.  Village Hall Report

 6.      Parish Plan Report

Councillor Podbury gave this report which is attached. Parish plan Report

 7.      Financial report from the Clerk to the Council

The clerk gave the following report.

The Annual Return and Accounts show an income of £4108 and a breakdown of expenditure of £3188 leaving a balance of £7486. The Parish Council supports the Ripton Area News and the Village Hall with donations and the Community Led Plan Committee expenses. It also runs and supports the KR website and provides a wreath for Remembrance Day.

This 2014/15 financial year will start with £11486 including the precept of £4000.

The clerk also commented on the amount of money held on account.

The allotment forms and collection of monies will be addressed before the next meeting.

 8.      To invite the public to raise any matters of interest

Attendees would like recorded the number (not names) of members of the public who attended the meetings. This would be done.

DC Howe commented on the money held on account. He said it was quite normal to hold 1 1/2 x the precept as a minimum so there was no need to reduce the account.

He also said that the parish was quite well ahead with the parish plan and recognised the work that had been done. The next phase was to expand the scope of the plan.

 9.      Reports from County and District Councillors followed by QA

District Councillor Howe gave his report which is attached. DC Report

DC Howe was asked about what had been done about flooding from Alconbury Weald(AW) as there was concern about the water run-off travelling from AW down the brook and creating more flooding downstream. DC Howe would investigate and report back.

County Councillor Tew had provided a report which is attached. CC Report

 10.     Chairman’s Closing Remarks

Councillor Townsend thanked everyone for their contributions and closed the meeting.

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