
 An Annual meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL on Tuesday 13 May at 7pm.


Present:          Councillors Ros Carey-Townsend (Chair), Brian Petre, Philip Rayner, Rebecca Rayner, Matthew Podbury, District Councillor Robin Howe, County Councillor Michael Tew and 6 members of the public.

1.                  ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN

It was unanimously RESOLVED via a paper vote that Councillor Ros Carey-Townsend be elected Chairman to Kings Ripton Parish Council for the local government year 2014-15.

2.                  ELECTION OF VICE CHAIRMAN

It was RESOLVED via a paper vote 3 to 2 that Councillor Matthew Podbury be appointed Vice Chairman to Kings Ripton Parish Council for the local government year 2014-5.

3.                  APOLOGIES

There were no apologies.

4.                  MINUTES

The last Annual PC minutes were circulated to the councillors and had previously been approved at the July 2013 meeting.

5.                  FINANCIAL REPORT

The Cash Book, the Annual Financial Statement and the Annual Governance Statement for 2013/2014 were unanimously approved.

Donation to the village hall committee of £700 was approved.

Subscription to Clerks & Council Direct was approved.

The use of Kathy Ray as internal auditor was approved.

The receipt from HDC for the Annual Precept of£4000 was noted.

Payments of the following cheques was AGREED and APPROVED:

Chq 000459     Dodson Bros for the Tree Cutting  £240

Chq 000460     Clerks salary and expenses £232.53

Chq 000461     Refreshments(community led plan)  £8.19

Chq 000462     Repairs to village hall shed  £274.80

Chq 000463     Donation to the village hall  £700

Chq 000464     Subscription to Clerks & Council Direct  £12

Councillors R Rayner & P Rayner abstained from the vote for repairs to the village shed (chq 000462) due to a vested interest.

6.                  PLANNING APPLICATIONS

Application 1400376FUL had been circulated to councillors and the clerk replied to HDC as follows: All councillors have no objections to the proposed development and recommend approval of this application.

Application 1301953FUL had been circulated to councillors and the clerk to reply as follows: All councillors have no objections to the proposed development and recommend approval of this application. Councillors R Rayner & P Rayner abstained from considering this application due to their vested interest.

Application 1400516FUL is on circulation to councillors.


Livening up the web site. Maybe a redesign. Need more contributions.

New noticeboard for the PC. Councillor Podbury to investigate.

Timescales for the Community led Plan.

8.                  DATE OF NEXT MEETING

To confirm the dates of the next meetings as 15 July 14, 23 September 14 and 18 November 14.


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