Daily Archives: 20 May 14


Balfour Beatty (in conjunction with Cambridgeshire County Council) are now in the process of producing designs to streets in the area.

Attached are the street lighting design maps for Quaker close and Ramsey Road.

Quaker Close

Ramsey Road

Residents input to these designs are important and you are encouraged to take time to view the maps. 

In residential areas street lights are being replaced on a one-for-one basis.  In these residential areas some columns will be permanently removed.  They have used their extensive street lighting design experience to make decisions that are likely to have the most positive affect.

You are urged to feedback any comments to your Parish Councillors for them to provide a local view on any decisions that may impact on village.

Please comment by 05 Jun 2014. Work is due to start 13 Jun 2014.



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Please find below an update in relation to reported dwelling burglaries within the area: –

There have been 2 reported Dwelling burglaries across the St Ives and Ramsey sector in the last week (05th May – 11th May). Both of the recorded crimes occurred in the St Ives area one between 01/05/2014-05/05/2014 and the other between 09/05/2014 – 11/05/2014 both properties were entered via the rear garden. One entry was through an insecure rear window.

Please continue to report suspicious incidents and to make sure you regularly review
your home security. (Visit http://www.cambs-police.co.uk/crimeprevention/advice/ for help with this.)

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Researching Family History Talk

Thursday 22nd May 2014, FREE talk 11.00am – 12.00 noon

If you are interested in researching your family history come along to our talk by genealogist Robert Parker and find out how to get started and how to progress once you run out of information. Free one-to-one sessions available after the talk where you can work with Robert for up to 50 minutes to try to solve problems with your research.

 Please ring Liz Davies, the curator, on 01480 214163 or email to book a session, curators@stneotsmuseum.org.uk


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Message from Huntingdonshire Police:

The rear window of a Red Ford Fiesta that was parked in the nature reserve at Woodwalton Fen was smashed between 14.30 and 15.30 yesterday (18th of May).

Were any of you or your friends or family around at this time and happened
to see anyone acting suspicious?

Any information you could provide would be of great value if you did see
anything please call in on 101 and quote CF0181540514

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The district council now produces a quarterly e-newsletter called Huntingdonshire Online.  The e-newsletter aims to keep residents up to date with news & events taking place in Huntingdonshire.  To receive Huntingdonshire Online, people need to subscribe at www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk/subscribe providing us with a name & e-mail address.

The next issues will be sent out during the third week in June

Sign up so that you don’t miss out.


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Huntingdonshire Local Development Scheme 2014 will be available for you to view between the following dates:

Start date: 19/05/14 09:00

End date: 28/11/14 16:30

Please select the following link to view this event:


If the link appears to be broken, please try copying the entire link into the address bar on your web browser.

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 An Annual meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL on Tuesday 13 May at 7pm.


Present:          Councillors Ros Carey-Townsend (Chair), Brian Petre, Philip Rayner, Rebecca Rayner, Matthew Podbury, District Councillor Robin Howe, County Councillor Michael Tew and 6 members of the public. Continue reading

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