Monthly Archives: October 2013

Notes of the Parish Plan meeting 08 Oct 2013

Notes of meeting to establish Parish Plan Committee held on Tuesday 8th October 2013.


Erica Bishop

Ros Carey-Townsend (PC member)

Lesley Castleton

Graham Flowers

Bronwyn Rayner

Rebecca Rayner


1.       The Terms of Reference circulated prior to the meeting were accepted as a way of working. and membership of the committee and its working relationship with the Parish Council (PC) discussed. It was agreed that regular attendance at PC meetings by at least some members of the committee was important to ensure good communication between the Committee and the PC. Continue reading

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What is a Parish Plan?

Parish Plans are “holistic” or comprehensive in scope. They should set out a vision for how the community wants to develop, and identify the action needed to achieve it. They can include everything that is relevant to the people who live and work in the community, from employment and playgrounds to the design of new buildings and protection of hedges and ponds. They can include any social, environmental or economic issues. It is up to you, the community to decide, what is important to you. Continue reading

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Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting 23 Sep 2013

Kings Ripton Parish Council Extraordinary Meeting


 An extraordinary meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL on Monday 23rd September at 2pm.

Present:    Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman), Brian Petre, Ros Townsend (Vice Chairman) and 2 members of the public. Continue reading

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