Parish Council Meeting held on 30 Apr 2013


Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting

 A  Meeting  of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL, on Tuesday 30th April  2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre & Ros Townsend;

In attendance:  Cambridgeshire County Councillor Victor Lucas DL &Claire Tunnicliffe, Parish Clerk.

 1.         APOLOGIES

 Apologies were received from Councillor Zelda Barter-Rayner and District Councillor Robin Howe.


             None were declared.

3.         MINUTES

             Copies of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 5th March (M9) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman. It was

RESOLVED that the minutes were a correct record and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

4.         PUBLIC FORUM

There was no address.


 The Chairman welcomed representatives from Huntingdonshire Association for Community Transport (HACT) and proposed to adjourn the meeting. It was

RESOLVED to do so.

Ms Sarah Fink began by providing a background to the organisation and stated that the charity offered a door to door service for people who could not access local bus routes, due to age and disability, people living in rural locations with limited or no access to local bus routes or those without a car.

Members were informed that there was an annual membership fee of £15.00, which would give members access to a pre-bookable service five days a week. The parish of Kings Ripton had been clustered in ‘area 3’ and Members were handed a timetable for this area, and area 2 for information.

Ms Fink also advised Members that the organisation offered day trips to various locations around the country at very reasonable rates.

The Chairman thanked Ms Fink for her comments and it was

RESOLVED to reconvene the meeting.


The Chairman welcomed County Councillor Victor Lucas DL, to his last meeting as a County Councillor to Kings Ripton Parish Council.

Councillor Lucas stated that it had been a pleasure and privilege representing the Warboys and Upwood division of Cambridgeshire and he had enjoyed working with Kings Ripton Parish Council over the years.

Councillor Lucas informed Members that they had worked hard with the organisers of the Secret Garden Party to ensure that the impact on the village was kept to a minimal and improvements were made each year.

Councillor Lucas then stated that it was regretful that traffic calming measures had not been improved in Kings Ripton.

A conversation then followed regarding the state of the road in School Lane and how improvements were need. It was agreed that the road required resurfacing as it was used by heavy transporter lorries carrying straw and farm equipment and the road would further deteriorate.

Members were reminded of an e-mail which had been sent regarding ‘Community Navigators’.  This would officially be launched in May 2013. Members heard that Community Navigators were local volunteers who would help older people find their way to activities or services which they would enjoy or find useful. The service was completely free and information was tailored to the needs of each person.

Finally Councillor Lucas spoke of the proposal to install superfast broadband throughout Cambridgeshire and encouraged Members to view the Police and Crime Plan which the Parish Council had an opportunity to make comment on.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Lucas for this comments.


The Chairman read out a letter to those present, addressed to Cambridgeshire County Council Highways’ Department. In the letter, the Chairman expressed disappointment that the scheme to reduce the speed of traffic from 30mph to 20mph had been rejected. The Chairman asked in the correspondence what action would Cambridgeshire County Council take to improve the traffic safety in the village and help to reduce the speed of traffic.

Members were then informed of a near miss where a pedestrian was very nearly hit by a speeding car as they crossed from the allotments.

8.         PLANNING

             Members considered the following planning application;

Ref: 1300357FUL. Change of use of existing barn to form holiday let accommodation following part demolition of existing barn – Agricultural Buildings South West of The Hawthorns Ramsey Road Kings Ripton.

Following a short discussion it was RESOLVED to APPROVE the application providing that the barn was used for holiday let only and not short term let.


Members considered the temporary road closure along the Kings Ripton Road, effective from 09.30am on the morning of the 25th July 2013 until 10.30pm the same day.

Members agreed that the temporary closure would reduce the congestion on the A141 specifically around the perimeter of Huntingdon and welcomed the road closure through the village. It was noted that this was just for the first day of the festival and not for the return journey after the festival had finished.

A Member asked the Clerk to investigate how many passes would be allocated and how residents would obtain the passes.

 10.       FINANCE

 10.1    Members had before them the cash book, which showed all payments and receipts for the financial year 2012/2013. A total of £4,931.41 had been spent, of which approximately £2,500, had been allocated to the Kings Ripton Jubilee Celebrations.

A total of £4154.01 had been received in income. The Clerk informed Members that allotment income had not been collected for the financial year, a total of £4.00. Invoices would be sent requesting the outstanding amount and the income for 2013/2014. The Clerk also recommended that contracts should be signed by the allotment holders and would present new contracts for Members consideration at a future meeting.

Members noted that a total of £ 6,565.77 would be carried over, £3,000 of which had been reserved for a village sign. The Clerk informed Members that yearly maintenance costs were being investigated for the sign.

10.2    Chq 000439  clerks Salary & expenses £227 and Chq 000441 Clerks & Councils   Direct subscription £12 were APPROVED for payment.

10.3    Members then noted the following direct debit payment of £11.98 for Zen Internet Limited had been taken from the account. It was

RESOLVED to note with thanks.

10.4    Members had before them a request for financial assistance in the sum of £700 from the Village Hall Committee. It was noted that an application of £650 had been awarded in 2012 towards the running cost of the Hall.

Members considered the community hall as a valuable community asset that was used by residents on a regular basis and it was

RESOLVED to approve to award £700 to the Village Hall Committee.


Members next discussed topics for the annual parish meeting. It was recommended to contact the following organisations to request annual reports on their activities over the last twelve months;

Ripton News

  • The Village Hall Committee
  • St Peter’s Church.


 The following correspondence had been brought to Members attention through e-mails from the Clerk:

  • E Cops Update
  • The Annual Pathfinder March – 22nd June 2013
  • Temporary Traffic Order Application forms for the Secret Garden Party 2013
  • Superfast Broadband Brief 9 April 2013
  • Changes to local bus services
  • HDC Town & Parish Alert
  • East of England Funding List
  • Police & Crime Commissioner’s report to the County Council – Neighbourhood Meetings.

 No comments were made and it was

RESOLVED to note with thanks.


There were none.


 As the majority of Members would be on holiday for the schedule meeting on May 28th 2013, the date of the next meeting was to be advised.


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