Parish Council Meeting 06 June 2013


Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting


 A  Meeting  of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL, on Thursday 6th June 2013 at 7.00pm.

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre; Ros Townsend & Joan Evans.

Absent: Councillor Zelda Barter-Rayner 

  1.             ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN

                        It was proposed, seconded and unanimously

                        RESOLVED that Councillor M Toates be elected Chairman to Kings Ripton                                   Parish Council for the local government year 2013-14.


                        It was proposed, seconded and unanimously 

                        RESOLVED that Councillor R Townsend be appointed Vice Chairman

to Kings Ripton Parish Council for the local government year 2013-14.

3.            APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Huntingdonshire District Councillor R Howe. 


Councillor R Townsend declared a personal interest in item 9 by reason that she is an allotment holder.


                      There were none.  

6.              MINUTES

                        Copies of the minutes held on 30th April 2013 had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman. It was proposed, seconded and

RESOLVED to approve the minutes as a correct record and were duly signed  by the Chairman.

7.              SECRET GARDEN PARTY

The Chairman reminded Members that approval had been granted to the road closure between the Kings Ripton Road – the A141 and B1090 from Jubilee Park, which would be effective from 9.30am until 10.30pm on July 25th 2103. The road would remain open for local residents and emergency vehicles only.  A total of 300 car passes had been ordered for residents. Councillors would distribute two vehicle passes per household. Information would be placed on the notice board and website.

Information regarding the road closure and contact telephone numbers regarding security concerns and queries / complaints to Huntingdonshire District Council would be published in the Ripton Area News.

The Chairman requested that the information should be placed on the notice board and the website.

8.              FINANCIAL MATTERS

Members had before the Parish Council’s yearly risk assessment which identified financial risks the Council were exposed to, identified any actions necessary to minimise those risk and show adequate steps had been taken to the minimise any risk.

A Member requested that details of the Parish Plan be placed on the risk assessment. Without the plan, residents would be limiting their input on how the parish should be developed and the action required.

8.1            Members noted that the appointment of date for the exercise of electors’ rights for accounts year ending 31st March 2013 had published on the parish notice board. It was

RESOLVED to note with thanks.

8.2                   Members had before the 2012/13 year end accounts which showed income of £4,154.01 and a breakdown of expenditure of £4918.41

A Member noted that the interest on the account accrued during 2012/13 was minimal and asked the Clerk to investigate specialised bank accounts tailored to Parish Councils.

Next Members noted the comments from the internal auditor, a copy of which is attached to the original minutes of this meeting. It was

RESOLVED to note with thanks.

The Chairman then signed the Annual Return for the year ending 2013.

8.3       The Cashbook for June showed expenditure of £992.98 and income of £4104.28

8.4      Members were presented with the following accounts for payment;

Cheque No: 000442: Payment to Kathy Ray Ltd, Internal Auditor – £42.00

Cheque No: 000443: Payment to CAPAL for annual substriction – £62.55

It was RESOLVED to approve payment and the cheques were duly signed by the            Chairman and Vice Chairman.

9.              ALLOTMENTS

                        Members had before them an agreement for allotment holders for their      consideration. The Clerk explained that without a contract the Council were    exposed to risk.

It was                        RESOLVED to approve the agreement.


No reports were heard.


The Chairman informed Members that this would be the last meeting for Councillor Evans following her resignation. A notice for a Vacancy of Councillor would be placed on the notice board and Huntingdonshire District Council had been notified of the vacant position.

The Chairman asked Councillors to speak with residents about possible co-option to the Council if the position was not filled. 

12.            Correspondence and Communications

                        The following correspondence had been brought to Members attention through e-  mails;

  • Cambridgeshire County Council – Help and support with daily living.
  • Community Led Plan – meeting 6th of June with Abbots Ripton Parish Council.
  • CPRE’s new transport toolkit
  • CAPALC training courses
  • CAPALC e-bulletin.
  • E-Cops

13             Date of next meeting

                 23rd July 2013, the Village Hall, Kings Ripton                       

                                                            Close of meeting


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