Daily Archives: 22 May 13

Parish Council meeting held on 5th March 2013



A meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held on Tuesday 5th March 2013 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton.

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre & Joan Evans,

In attendance:  Cambridgeshire County Councillor Victor Lucas DL, Huntingdonshire District Councillor Robin Howe and four members of the public.

75.       APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Councillors Townsend & Barter Rayner.


  None were declared.

77.       MINUTES

Copies of the minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on 15th January 2013 (M7) &   12th February 2013 (M8) had been circulated following their informal approval by the    Chairman. It was

RESOLVED that the minutes were a correct record and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

78.       PUBLIC FORUM

The Chairman receiving an indication that members of the public wished to address the meeting proposed to adjourn and it was

RESOLVED to do so.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Haycock to meeting who advised Members that he wished to address the Council on planning application Ref:1300159FUL, item 85  on the agenda.

Mr Haycock informed Members that if the proposed build should go ahead this would have a negative impact to his property, in particular the garage which was to be built at height of 3.9 metres, twice the height of a fence. Mr Haycock stated that he had brought the property because of the rural views which would be removed by the proposed dwelling and deemed the build unstuitable.

A Member advised that the Parish Council were only consultees on planning matters and it would be beneficial for Mr Haycock to register his own objection on the Huntingdonshire District Council planning portal website.

The Chairman advised that Members would consider the application and thanked Mr Haycock for his comments.

A member of the public then informed Members that they wished to make a complaint regarding the lorries that drove the straw through the village. The question was raised if the vehicles were over the weight restriction. The straw that fell from left a mess leaving the village looking untidy and blocked the drains.

A discussion followed on what could be done to deter the vehicles travelling through the village. The Chairman advised that the transport companies had been written to in the past and asked the Clerk to write a letter of complaint to the transport companies. A member of the public stated that it would be prudent to speak to the relevant department at Cambridgeshire County Council to enquire what powers could be applied to ensure that alternative transport routes were followed.  It was

RESOLVED to do so

It was also suggested that members of the public should play an active role in collecting evidence by taking photos and to keep reporting the problem each time they witnessed the lorries driving through the village leaving a mess.


The Chairman thanked Councillor Lucas & Councillor Howe for their reports on the following;

  • Highway Improvement Bid Applications for 2013/2014
  • Community Transport Fund
  • Draft Police and Crime Plan

A discussion then followed regarding the Council’s opportunity to comment on the draft police and crime plan and expressed disappointment at the closure of the neighbourhood forums.

Councillor Lucas explained that the Council should expect one visit a year from a police representative.

 Clerk’s note: An e-mail has been sent to PCSO Lizzie Pestell with the meeting dates of the Parish Council for the next twelve months and will be attending a meeting on November 12.th 2013.


The Chairman informed Members that he had addressed a meeting of Huntingdon Town  Council’s Leisure and Communities Services Committee on 29th January 2013 who were  considering the premises licence application for the above festival. Members heard that  the Chairman spoke in the public address about the issues that the proposed festival could bring to the parish and Huntingdon.

Members were advised that the Chairman had also attended the licencing panel meeting at Huntingdonshire District Council The panel had noted the objections from the  emergency services and environmental health department to the festival taking place and    that the application had been refused

The Chairman explained that although the licencing application had been refused the organisers were looking at alternative ways in which the festival could go ahead. The Parish Council would work with Huntingdon Town Councillor Patrick Kadewere (NorthWard) to ensure that objections were heard whatever route the organisers would take.


None were received.


Members had before them Parish Council dates for 2103 for their consideration. A Member asked that the last two dates in the calendar for November 2013 and January   2014 were changed to the following Tuesday as these coincided with Wistow Parish   Council.

It was

RESOLVED to do so.

Clerk’s note: A copy of the revised schedule of minutes is attached to the original  minutes of this meeting.

83.       VILLAGE SIGN

 The Clerk presented two entries for the village sign competition and asked Members to    select a winning design. It was suggested to defer the decision with both entries displayed in the Ripton News and residents asked vote for their favourite.

A discussion followed regarding the cost of the sign and Members were reminded that  £3000 as previously agreed had been reserved. Before both the signs were displayed in  the Ripton News it was proposed that the Clerk investigated the costings for different type of materials for a potential sign, installation and maintenance.

It was then

RESOLVED to do so.

84.       FINANCE

Members had before them a copy of the cash book for February which showed a total of £6543.37, minus of £227 un-presented cheques.


Members were presented with the following accounts for payment;

Cheque No: 000438: Payment to Parish Clerk for February and March 2013 wages, plus             travel expenses – £227.

It was RESOLVED to approve payment and the cheques were duly signed by the Chairman and Vice Chairman.

85.      PLANNING

Members considered the following planning application Ref:1300159FUL  Erection of detached dwelling and single garage, including demolition of a replacement of existing garage serving no 1 Walden Cottages., Land Adjacent 1 Walden Cottages, Kings Ripton.

Members agreed that the proposed property would be invasive to the neighbouring properties, in particular the garage. The proposed build would have a negative impact resulting in a loss of amenities, especially to the dwelling ‘The Gables’.

It was RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL.


The following correspondence had been brought to Members attention through e-mails from the Clerk

  • NALC’S Direct Information Service
  • Green Heart Community Awards
  • Community Chest
  • Hunts Bee Keeping Association
  • Neighbourhood Watch in Huntingdon
  • Earith Bridge Maintenance.
  • Community Transport Fund
  • Complaint of litter
  • Cambridgeshire County (Public Footpath No 12a (part), Abbots Ripton and Pubic Footpath No 5 (part), Kings Ripton, Public Path Diversion Order 2012.

No comments were made and it was

RESOLVED to note with thanks.


A meeting with the organisers of the Secret Garden Party Members and local parish councils was currently being planned for April or May and would be placed on the relevant agenda for Members information.

The Chairman reminded Members that at the next meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council a representative from Cambridgeshire Acre would be attending to discuss the community   led plan.


30th April 2013, The Village Hall, Kings Ripton, 7.00pm



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Annual Parish Meeting


Dear Residents

You are cordially invited to attend KINGS RIPTON ANNUAL Parish Council Meeting at 7.00pm on Thursday 23rd May 2013, at KINGS RIPTON Village Hall, SCHOOL LANE,KINGS RIPTON, PE28 2NL

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for parishioners on the Electoral Roll for Kings Ripton to raise any matters of concern to them that relates to their local community. It would be helpful to have written notice of any matters to be raised but it is not essential. Matters can be raised at the meeting without prior notice. For any queries, please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council (Claire Tunnicliffe: Claire.tunnicliffe@yahoo.co.uk or 07955 707134)

Councillor Mick Toates
Chairman of Kings Ripton Parish Council


  1. Welcome by Councillor Mick Toates
  1. Apologies
  2. To receive and approve apologies for absence
  1. Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting
  2. To receive and approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 8th May 2012. Copies of the previous Annual Parish Meeting are available on the Parish website after this meeting or by hard copy upon application to the Parish Clerk.

4. Report from the Chairman of Kings Ripton Parish Council

5.    To invite Village Representatives to address the Meeting

6.    Financial report from the Clerk to the Council

7.    To invite the public to raise any matters of interest.

8.    Reports from County and District Councillors followed by QA. 

 9. Chairman’s Closing Remarks

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