Parish Council Meeting held on 25.09.12

                                                          Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting


A  Meeting  of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL, on Tuesday 25th September 2012 at

These minutes were approved by Council on 6th November 2012

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre; Ros Townsend & Joan Evans.

In attendance:  Cambridgeshire County Councillor Victor Lucas DL & Claire Tunnicliffe, Parish Clerk & three members of the public.

32.       APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Councillor Zelda Barter-Rayner & Huntingdonshire  District Councillor Robin Howe.


 There were none.

34.       MINUTES

Copies of the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 4th September (M4) had been circulated following their informal approval by the Chairman. It was

RESOLVED that the minutes were a correct record and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

35.       PUBLIC FORUM

The Chairman receiving an indication that members of the public wished to address the meeting proposed to adjourn and it was

RESOLVED to do so.

A complaint was then raised regarding litter, in particular the litter on the grass verges out of the village up to the Broughton cross road and dog fouling on the footpath from the footbridge to the Flying Start Nursery. It was agreed that regular checks were required. The question was asked if the Clerk could arrange with Huntingdonshire District Council to undertake consistent litter picks throughout the village. It was

RESOLVED to do so.

With regards to the issue of dog fouling it was recommended to contact the land owner to enquire if laminated posters could be put up reminding people to pick up their dog mess. It was

RESOLVED to contact the office of Lord De Ramsey to discuss the matter further.

A member of the public informed Members that they wished to complain about the Secret Garden 2012, in particular the noise level from the festival. Members heard that while they accepted that there would be noise generated from the festival it was the fact that the noise continued throughout the night and the level of the noise.

Members heard that residents in Wood Walton, Wistow and Upwood had also raised complaints. A discussion then followed about the impact that the Festival had on the village.

The complaint had been logged with Huntingdonshire District Councillor Robin Howe who Members heard had evidence that conditions of the licence had been breached every day and the resident asked what the Parish Council intended to do.

A Member responded that if the conditions of the licence had been breached the Council would challenge the licence for the following year. However the Chairman advised that the Council would not be making a formal decision at this meeting as they had not seen the evidence to show that the licence had been breached but agreed that action needed to be taken.

Councillor Lucas DL agreed that a ‘wash up’ meeting was needed between HDC, the organisers and the surrounding Parish Council. The problem was that there was no pressure on the organisers to do so.  Members agreed that it would be prudent to meet with fellow Parish Councillors before this meeting so an agenda could be agreed.

Members were presented with a news report from the Hunts Post which gave details of a three day music festival taking place at Jubilee Fields in 2013, which the organisers hoped would be the biggest music festival in Huntingdon’s history. Concern was expressed that festival would have an negative impact on the village such as noise pollution. The Chairman advised that the issue would be investigated.

Members were then notified of an incident of a dog which had been attacked by two dogs who were off their lead. The member of the public asked if it could be highlighted with residents to keep their dog under control when off the lead. The Chairman advised that this would be placed in the Ripton News and Church magazine.

Finally a discussion followed regarding the B1090 crossroads and concern was expressed that a serious accident would one day happen there. The Chairman asked the Clerk to contact Cambridgeshire County Council’s Safety Officer to invite them to attend a future meeting so the matter could be discussed further.

The Chairman thanked the members of the public and Councillor Lucas DL for their comments and it was

RESOLVED to re-convene.


Before the Chairman gave his report he highlighted the fire exits in the hall.

Chairman then spoke of a meeting he had attended at Pathfinder House on 13th September on the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 which could deliver up 14,000 houses and supporting infrastructure in the district. The Council would have to give consideration on the plan. It was suggested that representatives from Urban & Civic should be invited to give a presentation on the Alconbury Weald development so Members could consider the impact that this development would have on the village which would be included as part of their response to the Local Plan.

Members were advised of the Blue Badge discussion groups organised by Huntingdonshire District Council designed to help find out how suitable current parking provision are in the district.  Dates of which are on the Parish Website.


Councillor V Lucas DL informed Members that as part of the ‘Connecting Cambridgeshire’ campaign. A total of 23% of residents in Kings Ripton had registered for the scheme. However a volunteer form the village was required for the role of Community Broadband Champion. The Champion would be required to promote the benefits of broadband access locally; encourage residents to register their demand; support and encourage internet use and arrange or support local events to highlight the campaign.

The Chairman responded that the campaign would be promoted to Kings Ripton residents via the Parish website and the Ripton News.

Members were reminded that the Neighbourhood Forums were due to be replaced by Local Joint Committees that would meet twice a year.  Currently a pilot scheme was being run at Yaxley for 12 months, during this trial period Huntingdonshire District Council had said there would be no Neighbourhood Forums organised.

Councillor Lucas DL encouraged Members to contact Huntingdonshire District Council to recommend that a forum takes place to discuss the issues that had been raised in the meeting as these items affect surrounding parishes.

It was

RESOLVED to do so and it was also

RESOLVED to thank Councillor Lucas DL for his comments.


Members had before them a report from the Parish Clerk which asked Council to consider the approval of funding towards the traffic calming measure of the installation of a set of speed cushions and three lighting columns.

Cambridgeshire County Council had allocated £6,500 towards the proposal which left the Parish Council contributing a total of £2225.32 if patching was required to the existing surface of the site or £215.62 without patching.

However Members were advised that the proposal would be subject to a safety audit at a cost of £450. After much discussion it was

RESOLVED to approve the fundingof £450 for the Safety Audit and allocate a further £2225.32 for further consideration pending the outcome of the audit.


 Members next considered the following planning applications ;

Planning application 1210137FUL:

Manor Farm Ramsey Road, Mr S Parson – Internal and external alterations and change of use of stable block to form ancillary accommodation/ short term lets.

It was

RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL as the Council do not approve the use of             short term lets.

Planning application 1201274OUT:

RAF Upwood, Ramsey Road, Bury, PE26 2XN- Selective demolition and clearance of existing (former defence) buildings, environmental remediation and the carrying out of employment-led mixed used development comprising about 2 hectares of employment (use class order B1 uses) (including the conversion and change of use of some buildings) and residential (not more than 160 dwellings) development together with the provision of infrastructure and the laying out of ancillary open space.

It was

RESOLVED to recommend REFUSAL. The Council believe this application will create an increase in traffic which will impact on the environment and noise pollution. The increase in traffic could also be a danger to individuals when crossing the road as no extra traffic calming measures have been offered.



Members were advised that one of the five posts on the village green, School Lane had come out of its footings. Councillor Petre had viewed the damage and concluded that the post could be fixed into the original hole with concrete. It was

RESOLVED to approve a budget of £50.00 to complete the work.



Members asked for the following items to be placed on the agenda for the next council meeting.

  • Code of Conduct
  • The Secret Garden Party and the condition of licence.
  • Highlighting the dangers of the B1041 Cross Roads
  • Jubilee fields music concert
  • Litter and dog fouling
  • A response to the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 2036


November 6th 2012, Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, 7.00pm


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