Monthly Archives: November 2012

Parish Council Meeting held on 25.09.12

                                                          Kings Ripton Parish Council Meeting


A  Meeting  of Kings Ripton Parish Council was held at Kings Ripton Village Hall, School Lane, Kings Ripton, PE28 2NL, on Tuesday 25th September 2012 at

These minutes were approved by Council on 6th November 2012

Present: Councillors Mick Toates (Chairman); Brian Petre; Ros Townsend & Joan Evans.

In attendance:  Cambridgeshire County Councillor Victor Lucas DL & Claire Tunnicliffe, Parish Clerk & three members of the public.

32.       APOLOGIES

Apologies were received from Councillor Zelda Barter-Rayner & Huntingdonshire  District Councillor Robin Howe. Continue reading

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