Parish Council meeting held on 20.3.12

Minutes of a meeting of Kings Ripton Parish Council held on Tuesday 20th March 2012 at 7.00pm in the Village Hall.

Present: Mr M Toates (Chairman), Mr M Joyce, Mrs R Townsend, Mrs D Jenkins (Clerk), County Councillor V Lucas and three members of the public.

Apologies: Mr B Petre (Vice Chairman), District Councillor R Howe and Mr R Collett.

Declarations of interests:     None

Health & Safety Issues:         None

Open Forum:                            None

Approval of the minutes of the meeting held on 7th February 2012.

The minutes of the meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising:

1.       Mrs Jenkins gave a brief update on the arrangements for the Jubilee Celebrations to which the Parish Council are making a donation. There is to be a further public meeting on April 17th.
2.       Backwoodsman has donated a sum of £1,000 to the Jubilee Celebrations, which has been paid to the Jubilee Account held by the village.
3.       There has been no further correspondence reference the Parish Councils application for 20mph through the Small Improvements to Highway Scheme.
4.       The Clerk is still sourcing the design and price quotations for a village sign.
5.       Mr M Toates informed the meeting that interviews had been held for a new Parish Clerk and Claire Tunnicliffe had been the successful applicant. The new Clerk will commence work on May 8th at the Annual Parish Meeting.
6.       The Council will be short of two Councillors as from May 8th. Mrs D Jenkins has placed a notice on the board asking for parishioners to come forward to take these vacancies. If more than two persons apply there will be an election.
7.       There were no comments on the planning booklet which has been circulated; this will be kept on file.


1.       A letter has been received from Mr M Halford thanking the Parish Council for the donation of £260 towards the running cost of the village magazine.
2.       The Clerk gave a financial update, after payments of this evening cheques there will be a total of £5,792.60 in total over the two bank accounts.
3.       There are three cheques for payment this evening: C/N 400 – £12.00 Subscription to Clerks and Council Direct
C/N 401 – D Jenkins -£224.50, salary and stationary.
C/N 402 – Village Hall Maintenance and hire charges for meetings –  £704

Planning. Nothing


All emails received since the last meeting had been forwarded to the Councillors for comment or action where necessary.
All other correspondence has been covered under the above heading.

Any other business:

County Councillor V Lucas informed the Council of a special garden party to be held at Burghley House in celebration of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee to which local persons will be invited.

 Date of next meeting:

Tuesday May 8th 2012 at 7.00pm – Annual Parish Meeting
Followed by Annual General Meeting of the Parish Council.

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