Mr M Toates (Chairman), Mr B Petre (Vice-Chairman), Mrs D Jenkins (Clerk), Mr M Joyce, Mrs R Townsend, Mrs K Martin, Councillor V Lucas (CCC), Mr R Howe (HDC) and one member of the public.
Apologies. None.
Declaration of Interests. None.
Health and Safety Issues. None.
Open Forum
- Mr. R Collett expressed concern about the amount of straw shedding from lorries throughout the village; the Clerk will look into the matter.
- Mr R Collett also asked what the yellow flags placed on the verges along Sapley Way were for, as the answer is not known the Clerk is to research.
- The Clerk was asked to put The Queens Diamond Jubilee on future agendas for discussion. Councillor Victor Lucas is to inform the Parish Council of events that are to be held in the area.
- It was stated that the persons present preferred the new earlier meeting time of 7.p.m.
- Councillor Lucas informed the meeting that the matter of parking during the Secret Garden Party which caused problems last year will be a matter of priority for the police during this year’s event.
- Mr R Collett also asked that the Clerk report the increase in large lorries travelling through the village.
Approval of the minutes of a meeting held on 12th May 2011.
The minutes of this meeting were approved and signed by the Chairman.
Matters arising
- The Clerk reported that all Declaration of Interest and Acceptance of Office forms have been registered with HDC.
- The Clerk also reported that the matter of PAYE payable on her salary was in hand.
- An email had been received reference the replacing of bins after collection. The collectors have been asked to leave bins in ‘found’ positions.
- The telephone kiosk has now been painted and a letter of thanks sent to all who helped. The Clerk is to look into the possibility of having the name of the village put on the box in coloured glass. Mrs R Townsend advised the Clerk to contact Aldreth Parish Council.
- The matter of the last kissing gate installation at Glebe Farm has been passed to J Cooper of the Parish Path Association.
- The Clerk asked whether the Council wished for the grit bins to be painted green. The Council decided unanimously not to do this.
- The Parish Council Web Site is now up and running. The web site has been advertised in the Riptons Area News and the Clerk will put a poster on the board and a flyer out to all parishioners asking for their input.
- The Parish Council has once again applied for and been accepted for the Parish Path Partnership.
- The Pathfinder March on 25th June had used the Village Hall as their last way station and it is believed that all went well with the event.
- The matter of a standpipe for water to the allotments is ongoing. The Clerk had been advised that the forming of a small ramp on the bank to the allotments was permissible.
- Mrs K Martin had attended the Community Support Meeting on 26th May and found it useful for acquainting herself with the various organisations within the area. Councillor Lucas asked if any Councillors attended the Neighbourhood Forum Meetings as they would be more relevant to the Kings Ripton Area. Mrs Martin agreed to attend the next meeting at Needingworth Village Hall on 13th July 2011.
- Mrs Jenkins asked if the road surface outside Quakers Rest had been repaired. Mrs Townsend replied that it had not. Mrs Jenkins to chase the matter.
- There were four cheques payable at the meeting:
- C/N 382 £200.00. Mrs D Jenkins (Clerks salary), C/N 383 £8.19 G Archer (paint for the kiosk), C/N 384 CPALC Affiliation fees £59.95 and C/N 385 K Ray (Internal audit) £39.60.
- The Clerk asked that a Direct Debit Form be signed by the Chairman and Vice-Chairman authorising the payment of £57.48 per annum, payable to Zen Internet Limited who are the internet providers. This was done.
- The Clerk gave a financial update: there is £1.055.01 in current account after payment of this evenings cheques and £9.433.76 in the 30 day savings account.
Planning. Nothing.
- A letter recently received from Luminous Group reference Street Representative Conference on 19th July is to be circulated this evening.
- There were no comments on the various CPALC Bulletins which had been received since the last meeting.
- Speed watch are still carrying out checks within the village. Mrs R Townsend to confer with the officer reference the placing of stickers on some parishioners refuse bins showing the speed limit. The cost of the stickers is 80p each and a bill will be sent to the Parish Council for its next meeting.
- Paperwork reference Grant Funding for churches had been forwarded to Rev B Stewart and to the Church Wardens for action.
- There were no comments on the various Cambridgeshire Acre Digests received.
- Details of the Library Review had been forwarded to all Councillors.
- There were no comments on the Ecops reports received excepting that the councillors found them interesting and informative.
- A letter received from CCC reference Local Speed Limit Policy is to be put on circulation this evening.
- The Web Site Disclaimer written by K Martin is to be fine tuned for the meeting to be held on 23rd August. This will be carried out by K Martin and B Petrie.
- The email on the update of grass cutting on public footpaths had been seen by all councillors
- The Ecops ‘Have your Say’ email had been forwarded to all councillors for them to make comment if they so wish.
- Emails received reference the Local Access Forum and Parish Paths meeting were put on circulation. Councillors to let the Clerk know if they wish to attend either.
Any other business
Mrs K Martin asked if the council would look into the possibility of a cycle way from the village to Jubilee Park. The Clerk will write to both Steve Poppitt (Police) and P Joyce (Cycling Officer) reference this. Any correspondence will be circulated to Councillor V Lucas. Mr B Petrie asked that the Clerk determine who the land in question (if a cycle way were to be provided) belonged to.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 23rd August 2011 at 7.p.m. in the Village Hall.